Thursday, June 24, 2010


Avatar was written and directed by James Cameron. Avatar has a very good plot that deals with the native people and habitants battling over their land with invaders from earth. People from earth are at Pandora for a rock that brings twenty million dollars per kilo.

I believe Avatar has a lot of similarities to the way we handled the Native Americans here in the United States. The land that we have now was the Native American's Pandora. There is a scene when Colonel Miles told Jake to figure out what they wanted or how to destroy them. This is pretty much the way the Native American situation was handled. At first in Avatar the humans were pretty peaceful but when it came down to it the humans went through with everything possible to get the land they wanted. In Avatar they offered the native people education so they could adopt the humans ways. Education is a tactic that was used to control and subdue the Native American population in the United States. I feel that using education to change people from their own past and history is unjust. Education is a very important part of society but in ways it also could just be a brain washing technique. Today I think there are alot of Native Americans that do not know much about their history and who they really are.

In Pandora the Native people are very much with nature and nature is number one to them. The Native People of Pandora believed in a network of energy and that all energy is from the same source. I feel there is much comparison to the Native American population before we pushed them onto Reservations. Native American's were very adapted to the land and lived off of the land without being wasteful.

Avatar shows us as society today what implications could be from neglect to the planet. Pandora is a beautiful place with lucious forests and trees. People from earth have been mining and destroying the natural habitat. I personally am not a big nature activist or anything like that, but I do believe that we do have to practice responsibility when it comes to our own planet, earth. The Gulf situation makes Avatar hit home a little bit harder then before. The implications from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will hurt us for a long time to come. Something like this would not have happened if we were more like the Navi.

Avatar shows the viewer a very colorful and beautiful visual with all of the plants and animals. I thought that Avatar was one of the most colorful movies I have ever seen. I enjoyed the way that it was with real life images and people, but at the same time animated. I think the colors have a lot of symbolism to them. The native people the Navi are blue, which from reading the chapter is connected with nature. I feel blue is very fitting because of its nature components and it is a calming and relaxing color. The Navi live a simplistic life that is very pure. The colors of the scene when the hometree was shot down were very contradicting. The forest was filled with beautiful lush greens, blues, and purples but once the shots were fired the reds, oranges, and greys took over. These colors to me shows a shift of life, prosperity, lusciousness, beauty to death and destruction.

Avatar shows the viewer similarities to our past, current and problems the future may bring. Avatar to me had a deeper meaning then just two different peoples fighting over some real estate. Avatar shows the consecquences that may come from taking Pandora or Earth for granted. I really enjoyed the movie for its deeper meaning and its excellent display of colors that shows the viewer an extra added element of beauty.

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