Friday, June 4, 2010

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is a modern day mob movie that was directed by Quentin Tarantino. Pulp Ficton is one of those movies that you have to watch more then once to understand what is going on from scene to scene. Pulp Fiction has a bunch of separate stories intertwined into one film that are not shown to the viewer in order.

Structure and style is what makes Pulp Fiction unique to the viewer because the viewer has to piece the movie together. The opening scence involves two small time criminals eating at a restaurant talking about robbing banks and restaurants. The very last scence in the movie is a continuation from the first scence with different stories mixed in between. The structure of Pulp Fiction sets it apart from any other movie I have watched before. I find the stucture of Pulp Fiction to be unusual and at first frustrating but it gives the movie an absorbing and elegant effect that is rare.

Pulp Fiction's major element is style and structure, and the other elements are more difficult to pick out because of all the stories involved. Pulp Fiction has three stories with in the movie: Marsellus Wallace's Wife, The Gold Watch, and The Bonnie Situation. If each story were separated, more can be concluded about the theme and focus; plot; emotional effect; characters; and style. I think this is the reason why I enjoy this movie so much because everytime you watch it more appears to you then the previous viewing.

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